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Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

Eric Wynkoop - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

This event was on Tuesday, January 30, 2024 at 11:05 am Pacific, 2:05 pm Eastern

Join Chef Eric Wynkoop in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to Ask Anything – from cooking techniques to co… Read More.



I am just starting to stir fry. How much of the nutrients are destroyed by frying? Would it be healthier to air fry?

— Deborah Beccarelli


You know, I don't know. You know, when it comes to, uh, heating foods, uh, you know, be aware that, um, certainly, uh, some nutrients are damaged in the process, but other nutrients become more bioavailable, um, for your body. And so it's actually a good thing to, to apply heat to, uh, certain foods, you know, uh, for this reason. So, uh, you know, if you want to know this, uh, you, uh, in any detail, you will need to build your own or probably lease, um, a food laboratory and hire a scientist, um, to conduct a series of experiments for you. And I don't need to mean to sound like a smarty pants, but I, I do get these questions, uh, with some regularity, and we just don't know. And, uh, if you look up information on the internet and you get an answer, it's gonna be a generalized answer, guar, I guarantee you. Okay? Because there is so much variation in food seasonally and from place of origin, uh, and, and based upon the, the different varieties of a given onion or carrot or potato that you might use that, uh, and you know, how hot your pan is, and probably other factors too, that, uh, one answer from the internet, for example, or even one answer from a food science lab, is not gonna answer all of this possible scenarios out there. Okay? Um, would it be healthier to air fry? Eh, I don't know, maybe, um, maybe not. Um, part of that might be, um, you know, how much fat you're using, um, when you're stir frying as well. Um, you know, my thought is, uh, number one, if a particular cooking method, uh, concerns you, um, certainly read up on it. I always encourage people to read up on things and to go to, um, uh, databases, to look up, uh, scholarly articles, to, to dig a little bit deeper. Um, don't rely upon the common, uh, blog on the internet, which probably got the information from the next blog, which its information from this blog over here. That's, that's the way that stuff works. Okay? So dig deeper, it takes time and effort, but the results are rewarding, okay? Um, so education is number one. Number two, if the cooking method is concerning to you, then avoid it Very simply. What I wanna see for everybody in the world is that cooking is a joyous experience, uh, and does not bring you stress, at least not more than it, it, you know, uh, it, it, it, it should just in terms of the, the baseline minimum that might be associated with cooking, whatever that means. But don't bring, don't complicate the picture more than, uh, than needed, okay? Um, and then, you know, also understand that, um, um, uh, you know, eating a variety of, of ingredients, uh, you know, for most of us, most of the time, eating some raw ingredients to avoid stir frying and heat is, is, uh, is fine. You know, eating cooked foods is a good thing. Um, but use different cooking methods, you know, uh, stir frying and steaming, and roasting and, and, um, uh, and, and others. Okay? And, uh, you know, keep, keep the variety in your diet. Keep the stress low. Understand also that the world of food is, uh, not only is it beautiful, absolutely beautiful, but it's also absolutely complicated. And for all of the information that we have on food and nutrition, you know, that the, um, uh, that food scientists, uh, provide us, uh, there's tenfold a hundred fold amount of answers that are not answered, uh, yet. Yeah. And, uh, questions that aren't answered yet, lemme say, excuse me. Um, so, uh, you know, have fun with it and, uh, enjoy, keep it low stress and happy cooking.
Eric Wynkoop

Eric Wynkoop

Director of Culinary Instruction