Knowledge Base > Fran Costigan - Setting Up Your Baking Kitchen For Success

Setting Up Your Baking Kitchen For Success

Fran Costigan - Setting Up Your Baking Kitchen For Success

This event was on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 at 1:00 pm Pacific, 4:00 pm Eastern

Setting up your kitchen for dessert-making success involves considering several factors, including the balance between essential tools and nice-to-have items, along with implementing… Read More.



Do you have any tips for optimizing refrigerator/freezer space, particularly with an eye toward the many chilling steps involved in making pastries?

— Nathaniel Eggleston


That's a great question and I'll tell you, you know, now I have this wonderful unit and I, oh my gosh, I went, I went and I looked at refrigerators and freezers and I took sheet pans with me and I wanted to make sure that I would have as much space as I could to put a sheet pan in my fridge if I wanted to. And particularly the freezer. So freezer, so the french door refrigerators, which is what I have. Um, sometimes the freezer space is difficult to get, you know, a pan in. And I found one that was great. So I would say you have to organize your refrigerator and freezer. I go through my pantry, I go through my fridge and freezer every week. And when I am doing a baking day where I have to chill pastries, um, in and out, in and out, I make sure to reconfigure my freezer and refrigerator. So that's a great question. I will tell you that I had, you know, a much smaller refrigerator with a tap freezer before I did my renovation. And I bought a small refrigerator with a very tiny freezer for my back room because I really needed it. And this time of the year I'm in Philadelphia, my terrace can be my freezer, but that's not gonna help you.
Fran Costigan

Fran Costigan

Director of Vegan Pastry