Knowledge Base > Fran Costigan - Setting Up Your Baking Kitchen For Success

Setting Up Your Baking Kitchen For Success

Fran Costigan - Setting Up Your Baking Kitchen For Success

This event was on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 at 1:00 pm Pacific, 4:00 pm Eastern

Setting up your kitchen for dessert-making success involves considering several factors, including the balance between essential tools and nice-to-have items, along with implementing… Read More.



When I dry my cookie sheets and cake pans, it turns my dish towel grey / black. What does that mean and what kind of pan should I buy so this won't happen?

— Charleen Wilson


What it means is that your pans, which are aluminum, have oxidized and they oxidize. You never wanna put your sheet pans, your aluminum sheet pans. I've got so many here in the dishwasher or your cake pans in the dishwasher. They're aluminum. Aluminum is something that I keep out of my life to the extent that I can. For example, I don't use aluminum foil ever directly on food. I use an aluminum free baking powder, but I do use aluminum cake pans and baking sheets because they conduct the heat the best. I line my sheet pans and cake pans with parchment liners and I dedicate one or two sheet pans for vegetable roasting so they get darker. And sometimes I want my cauliflower and my broccoli to be directly on the pan, not on parchment, but I do use parchment most of the time. So I use, um, what you're seeing is just oxidation and it's not dangerous. It makes your dish towels look icky and you can really wash that off with some soapy water. I use a product called bar keeper's friend on my pans with a rubber kind of a, not not stainless steel, don't ever use stainless steel on those pans and or you can use some water and vinegar to clean them. So that should happen. That, I mean, that should help you, that should help you.
Fran Costigan

Fran Costigan

Director of Vegan Pastry