Knowledge Base > Fran Costigan - Setting Up Your Baking Kitchen For Success

Setting Up Your Baking Kitchen For Success

Fran Costigan - Setting Up Your Baking Kitchen For Success

This event was on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 at 1:00 pm Pacific, 4:00 pm Eastern

Setting up your kitchen for dessert-making success involves considering several factors, including the balance between essential tools and nice-to-have items, along with implementing… Read More.



My kitchen is basically an alcove with a smaller than full-size oven (where I store some pots) and refrigerator and counter-space means a cutting board over the sink. What could a successful setup be?

— Diane Kirschner


Well, Diane, I have used a cutting board over a sink and I think it can be very efficient. And then when that's what you have, that's what you have. See if you can pull your pots out of your oven so you can use your oven. Maybe you can hang them on a wall, um, or in a closet near your kitchen and think about that. But small doesn't mean not efficient. It can be efficient. I have a pot rack on this, on this wall here. I've got my knife rack hanging even though I have more room now. And I can remember a live event or some filming that I did where I actually did have a big cutting board over my kitchen sink. So go ahead and give that a try.
Fran Costigan

Fran Costigan

Director of Vegan Pastry